Sunday, May 31, 2020

Game Journalism Day 1

What type of game is this?
This game is an adventure/survival game.

Explain what you see and how to play the game.
The first thing you see when you start the game is an attacked cart filled with supplies.
After you finish grabbing all the supplies scattered around the cart, you put wood in to your airship and ascend.
Once your in the air for the first time you let your fuel run out and you will land at the mining town.
Then you explore the mining town, and grab more supplies. Eventually you will come to the train station.
At the train station you will find a piece of coal, and once you pick it up the game truly starts. 

What will you do next hour?
 Next hour I plan on continuing my journey across the desert.
Finding a Bobblehead Crafting the Stone Axe Finding a Christmas Tree
The mining town The mining town's jail A crashed train at the train station

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