Saturday, June 6, 2020

noSketchUp Lesson 6 - Logo

Game Journalism Day 3

Game Journalism Day 2

What did you do today?
Today I continued on my journey through the desert, whilst collecting supplies and avoiding the seeker.

What did you learn?
I learned how to kill the Seeker by reading notes, and using lab equipment to research a seeker corpse.

Tips and Tricks.
Press G to loot all in a chest
Jump over fences or other small objects to confuse the seeker.
Drink from the wells found in towns to conserve your waterskins.
  Keep some cookies on you at all times incase of emergencies.

How does the cookie stop the seeker?
The cookie turns it to winter time, which removes the seeker from the map for 5 minutes.

 What will you do next?
Next I plan on finally killing the seeker and ending the constant threat. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Game Journalism Day 1

What type of game is this?
This game is an adventure/survival game.

Explain what you see and how to play the game.
The first thing you see when you start the game is an attacked cart filled with supplies.
After you finish grabbing all the supplies scattered around the cart, you put wood in to your airship and ascend.
Once your in the air for the first time you let your fuel run out and you will land at the mining town.
Then you explore the mining town, and grab more supplies. Eventually you will come to the train station.
At the train station you will find a piece of coal, and once you pick it up the game truly starts. 

What will you do next hour?
 Next hour I plan on continuing my journey across the desert.
Finding a Bobblehead Crafting the Stone Axe Finding a Christmas Tree
The mining town The mining town's jail A crashed train at the train station

Thursday, April 30, 2020

10 hours of Coding P.10 Final

What I did this hour
 This hour I finished the Functions chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript

 What specific things I learnt. 
 I learned how to use functions and incorperate them into my JavaScript with the other variables from before.

 Image Descriptions
1: Using functions to greet in spanish.
2: Using functions to say thanks.
3: Using functions to say thanks to a specific name.
4: Using functions to make a shopping list that reminds you what to buy.
5: Using functions to do multiplication to find the amount of monitors.
6: Using functions to do more multiplication to find the cost of monitors
7: Using constants and functions to find out which days a plant needs water.
8: Making an arrow function syntax.

10 hours of coding P.9

What I did this hour.
This hour I finished the conditional statements chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript

 What specific things I learnt.
I learned a few more JavaScript variables this hour, such as : if, else, and else if.

 What I will do next hour.
 Next hour I plan on doing the Functions chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript

 Image Descriptions 
1: Using the if variable to define the sale variable.
2: Using if and else variables.
3: Using the let variable and comparison operators to define hungerlevel.
4:  Using let, if, and else to decide if it is bedtime or not.
5:  Using the let variable to define wordcount and favorite phrase
6: Making truthy and falsy to state the marker is mightier than the sword.
7: Using temporary operators.
8: Using else if to write statements about what season it is.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

10 hours of code P.8

What I did this hour.
This hour I completed the Variables chapter of the introduction to JavaScript
What specific things I learnt.
I learned some variables in this chapter, such as: var, let, and const.

What I will do next hour.
Next hour I plan on doing the conditional statements chapter of the introduction to JavaScript

Image Descriptions
1: Using the var variable to define my favorite food.
2: Using the let variable to define changeMe, then change it later.
3: Using the const variable to set a constant value for entrees.
4: Using arithmetic with the let variable to change the previous values.
5: Using the let variable with a increment operator to change the values of gainedDollar and lostDollar.
6: Using the let variable to assign Arez to the favoriteAnimal variable.
7: Using the let variable and a single template liberal to write out my favorite city and my name.
8: Using typeof to display the newVariable.