What I did this hour. This hour I completed the Variables chapter of the introduction to JavaScript
What specific things I learnt. I learned some variables in this chapter, such as: var, let, and const.
What I will do next hour. Next hour I plan on doing the conditional statements chapter of the introduction to JavaScript
Image Descriptions 1: Using the var variable to define my favorite food. 2: Using the let variable to define changeMe, then change it later. 3: Using the const variable to set a constant value for entrees. 4: Using arithmetic with the let variable to change the previous values. 5: Using the let variable with a increment operator to change the values of gainedDollar and lostDollar. 6: Using the let variable to assign Arez to the favoriteAnimal variable. 7: Using the let variable and a single template liberal to write out my favorite city and my name. 8: Using typeof to display the newVariable.
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