Monday, April 27, 2020

10 hours of coding P.4

What I did this hour.
This hour I worked on the Table chapter of Introduction to HTML.

What specific things I learnt.
I learned a few things, such as rowspan and colspan, the table head, body, and foot groups, and how to use CSS to customize the table a bit more.

What I will do next hour.
Next hour I plan on doing the next chapter of the introduction to HTML, the "Introduction to HTML forms" chapter.

Descriptions for Images
1: Table Rows, I didn't learn much from this part, because we make tables often.
2: Table Data, Didn't learn much from this either, other than what to call the <td> command.
3: Table Headings, I also didn't learn much from this one, other than what <th> stands for.
4: Spanning Collumns, I learned what colspan does, and how to use it properly.
5: Spanning Rows, I learned about rowspan, and how to use rowspan and colspan together.
6: Table Head, I learned that you can sort the tables better by using the head, body and foot groups.
7: Table Foot, Quite similar to the head, only at the bottom of the table.
8: CSS, I learned a bit about CSS, and how it works with HTML tables to customize them.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

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