Tuesday, April 28, 2020

10 hours of coding P.6

What I did this hour.
This hour I finished the final two chapters of the Introduction to HTML, Form Validation and Semantic HTML.

What specific things I learnt.
 I learned a few more HTML commands, such as: <required>, <min> <max>, <minlength> <maxlength>, <pattern>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, <figcaption>, and <audio>

What I will do next hour.
 Next hour I plan on doing the introduction to JavaScript section, since I finished the Introduction to HTML.

Image Descriptions
1: Adding the required attribute to an input, making it mandatory that it is filled.
2: Using the min, max attribute to set the min and max of the input field.
3: Setting a minlength and maxlength of the password input.
4: Using the pattern attribute to limit the characters that can be put into the input.
5: Using the section command to section off parts of the website.
6: Using the aside command to display text that wasn't in the section command.
7: Using the figcaption command to add a caption under an image.
8: Adding audio to the website using the <audio> command. 

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