Monday, April 20, 2020

10 Hours of Coding P.1

1: What I did this hour.
I started off by choosing Codeacademy and picked "Introduction to HTML". It started off with the very basic task of writing my name in the header. Next I learned about the family heirarchy of HTML and added some children. Next I started a fake website and added a few headers to it. After the headers I added some divs. After the divs I added IDs to the divs, to sort it better. Next I added a few paragraphs. After the paragraphs I added some emphasis and some strong tags into the mix. Lastly, I added two breaks into the paragraphs. 
2: What specific things I learnt.
I learned about paragraphs <p>, headers <h1>, learned about the family heirarchy, learned about div IDs <div id="example">, learned about emphasis and strong text <em>  <strong>, and last learned about breaks <br>
3: What I will do next hour.
Next hour I plan on finishing the introduction to HTML and continuing onto a new more difficult project.  

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