Thursday, April 30, 2020

10 hours of Coding P.10 Final

What I did this hour
 This hour I finished the Functions chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript

 What specific things I learnt. 
 I learned how to use functions and incorperate them into my JavaScript with the other variables from before.

 Image Descriptions
1: Using functions to greet in spanish.
2: Using functions to say thanks.
3: Using functions to say thanks to a specific name.
4: Using functions to make a shopping list that reminds you what to buy.
5: Using functions to do multiplication to find the amount of monitors.
6: Using functions to do more multiplication to find the cost of monitors
7: Using constants and functions to find out which days a plant needs water.
8: Making an arrow function syntax.

10 hours of coding P.9

What I did this hour.
This hour I finished the conditional statements chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript

 What specific things I learnt.
I learned a few more JavaScript variables this hour, such as : if, else, and else if.

 What I will do next hour.
 Next hour I plan on doing the Functions chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript

 Image Descriptions 
1: Using the if variable to define the sale variable.
2: Using if and else variables.
3: Using the let variable and comparison operators to define hungerlevel.
4:  Using let, if, and else to decide if it is bedtime or not.
5:  Using the let variable to define wordcount and favorite phrase
6: Making truthy and falsy to state the marker is mightier than the sword.
7: Using temporary operators.
8: Using else if to write statements about what season it is.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

10 hours of code P.8

What I did this hour.
This hour I completed the Variables chapter of the introduction to JavaScript
What specific things I learnt.
I learned some variables in this chapter, such as: var, let, and const.

What I will do next hour.
Next hour I plan on doing the conditional statements chapter of the introduction to JavaScript

Image Descriptions
1: Using the var variable to define my favorite food.
2: Using the let variable to define changeMe, then change it later.
3: Using the const variable to set a constant value for entrees.
4: Using arithmetic with the let variable to change the previous values.
5: Using the let variable with a increment operator to change the values of gainedDollar and lostDollar.
6: Using the let variable to assign Arez to the favoriteAnimal variable.
7: Using the let variable and a single template liberal to write out my favorite city and my name.
8: Using typeof to display the newVariable.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

10 hours of coding P.7

What I did this hour.
 This hour I did the first chapter of the Introduction to JavaScript.

 What specific things I learnt.
 I learned lots in this chapter, because I've never used JavaScript before. The things I learned were: console.log, how to add comments in Javascript, how to do arithmetic in JavaScript, how to use arithmetic characters with text, how to use the .length script, the .toUpperCase and .trim command, and the math floor, math random, and math ceiling scripts.

 What I will do next hour.
 Next hour I plan on doing the Variables chapter of the introduction to JavaScript.

 Image Descriptions
1: Adding my age and how long I've been coding with console.log
2: Adding comments to JavaScript using the // and /* scripts.
3: More console.log
4: Using arithmetic with JavaScript.
5: Using arithmetic with words.
6: Using the .length script to find out how many characters are in a sentence.
7: Using the .toUpperCase and .trim script
8: Using the math scripts to generate random numbers.

10 hours of coding P.6

What I did this hour.
This hour I finished the final two chapters of the Introduction to HTML, Form Validation and Semantic HTML.

What specific things I learnt.
 I learned a few more HTML commands, such as: <required>, <min> <max>, <minlength> <maxlength>, <pattern>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, <figcaption>, and <audio>

What I will do next hour.
 Next hour I plan on doing the introduction to JavaScript section, since I finished the Introduction to HTML.

Image Descriptions
1: Adding the required attribute to an input, making it mandatory that it is filled.
2: Using the min, max attribute to set the min and max of the input field.
3: Setting a minlength and maxlength of the password input.
4: Using the pattern attribute to limit the characters that can be put into the input.
5: Using the section command to section off parts of the website.
6: Using the aside command to display text that wasn't in the section command.
7: Using the figcaption command to add a caption under an image.
8: Adding audio to the website using the <audio> command. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

10 hours of coding P.5

What I did this hour.
This hour I completed the HTML forms chapter of the introduction to HTML.

What specific things I learnt.
I learned lots in this chapter, such as: How to set up forms with inputs, adding labels to forms, setting a slider using range, how to make a checkbox input, how to make a radio input, how to add a dropdown list, and how to make a text area.
What I will do next hour.
Next hour I plan on doing the Form validation chapter of the introduction to HTML.
Image Description:
1: Learned what a form was and how to use them.
2: Added an input to the form that could contain text.
3: Added a label to finish creating the input.
4: Created a sliding bar using the Range code.
5: Created checkbox inputs.
6: Created a radio input.
7: Created a dropdown list.
8: Learned how to create a text area.
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10 hours of coding P.4

What I did this hour.
This hour I worked on the Table chapter of Introduction to HTML.

What specific things I learnt.
I learned a few things, such as rowspan and colspan, the table head, body, and foot groups, and how to use CSS to customize the table a bit more.

What I will do next hour.
Next hour I plan on doing the next chapter of the introduction to HTML, the "Introduction to HTML forms" chapter.

Descriptions for Images
1: Table Rows, I didn't learn much from this part, because we make tables often.
2: Table Data, Didn't learn much from this either, other than what to call the <td> command.
3: Table Headings, I also didn't learn much from this one, other than what <th> stands for.
4: Spanning Collumns, I learned what colspan does, and how to use it properly.
5: Spanning Rows, I learned about rowspan, and how to use rowspan and colspan together.
6: Table Head, I learned that you can sort the tables better by using the head, body and foot groups.
7: Table Foot, Quite similar to the head, only at the bottom of the table.
8: CSS, I learned a bit about CSS, and how it works with HTML tables to customize them.
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